A-Z Fashion Glossary: ‘S’ stands for?

Scalloped edge, stilettos, seersucker, selvage, shapewear, suspenders, suede, spaghetti straps, studs, sundress, sheath dress, skorts & so on… There are more words like stockings, stripes, sailor collar, sequins, strapless & so on… which you guys must be aware of. If not then I will leave it you to you and teach you about a scalloped edge, spaghetti straps, sheath dress & studs. Let’s begin. 🙂

S stands for Scalloped Edge!

A scalloped technique is a series of convex curves, commonly at the edge of a piece of fabric, that look the edge of a scallop shell when repeated. As a motif, scalloping is particularly popular in haute couture, on collars, hems, and necklines. Above is an example of scalloped edge on dupatta by Smriti Apparels rent it right here… perfect festive wear!

S stands for Sheath Dress!

A sheath dress is a close fitted dress. Unlike other cocktail dresses, it also stops at the knee or just below. Malini Ramani’s embroidered dress is a perfect example of the sheath dress. Pair it with nude pumps, pearl studs & natural makeup with matte lips. There you go! 😉

S stands for Spaghetti Straps!

A spaghetti strap (also called noodle strap) is a very thin shoulder strap used to support clothing while providing minimal shoulder straps over otherwise bare shoulders.  It is commonly used in garments such as swimwear, camisoles, crop tops, bras, cocktail dresses, and evening gowns. Ritu Kumar’s spaghetti top is great for any casual event from brunch to a dinner date. Pair it with boyfriend jeans & don’t forget to throw on a denim jacket. Wear sneakers, roll up your pants messy hair with bright lips.

S stands for Studs!

Studs are small pieces of metal which are attached to a surface for decoration. Malini Ramani has used studs as trim for her collection and developed this beautiful studded sheath dress. Yes, another example of sheath dress you got it right 😉 This one is a classic one which will look amazing for any semi-formal event. Since it is crew neck I would suggest either do a bun or high ponytail & flaunt your long neck.

See you soon with the next blog! Toodles.



Published by

Komal Abad

Komal Abad

Jalna, Maharashtra | Fashion Designer | Fashion Blogger | Stylist | Love Korean Dramas | Model | Quote I follow - Keep moving forward (: Find me on - https://www.instagram.com/komal.abad/