February 1908 marked the beginning of International Women’s day when thousands of women went on a strike to protest against their poor working conditions. This was an ongoing movement throughout the year leading to the celebration of National Women’s Day on February 28, 1909 for the very first time in United States. In 1910, German campaigner and socialist Clara Zetkin was successful in converting this day into an international movement addressing the ill treatment of women worldwide. Eventually, March 8th was etched in our history to commemorate the achievements of women globally and promote gender equality.

We all celebrate the power of womanhood which has seen an incredible upsurge over the past few years. We have seen a steady rise in gender equality wherein women are given equal opportunity and responsibility in every phase of their life. Sexism is still present but stands strongly opposed. Over time women have successfully broken free from quintessential career choices and achieved unimaginable heights in their professional space. Nowadays we get to see women ahead in the race by switching to more eccentric profiles which were once considered male dominated careers. A few examples include Bartender, Mountaineer, Firefighter, Sommelier, Standup Comedian, Driver, DJ, etc.
As quoted by Michelle Obama, “There is no limit to what we, as women, can accomplish.”
While such accomplishments are truly noteworthy, one must not discount the heights attained by women in more traditional work practices. It is inspiring to recognise women of stature across all levels of organisational hierarchy whether she is an esteemed member in the boardroom or a budding professional aiming to build a life of her own. Also, we need to take a moment and express our heartfelt gratitude to all the homemakers juggling between daily chores to ensure a comfortable living condition for their respective families. This women’s day, let us all pledge to end the persisting discrimination and injustice faced by women worldwide irrespective of their societal role and status.
The attitudinal shift in the perception of a women’s role in the society has not gone unnoticed. Women no longer succumb to societal pressure and believe in taking a stand for themselves. The part played by the external environment to support thisinitiativeis quite overwhelming. The number of mass movements initiated to fight for the welfare of women’s rights has seen a massive leap. Some of the most popular ones include the #metoo movement to protest against sexual abuse, #noconditionsapply trend attempting to abolish sati system and the ongoing battle of the Nirbhaya case seeking justice for a rape victim.
As quoted by Hilary Clinton, “I believe the rights of women and girls is the unfinished business of the 21st Century.”
Despite all the positivity that has ensued over the last few years, permanent eradication of women suppression is a continuous process. The prevailing conditions suggest that this battle has to be fought everyday to ensure that balance is restored towards the development of a gender-equal society.
Date the Ramp is proud to celebrate the fearless spirit of womanhood and wishes all women “Happy International Women’s Day”!!!
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